Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 16: Poetry (Cheat Day)

Day 16: Poetry
So I decided to follow my own rules for today.  The theme for today was supposed to be Release (balloons, doves, etc), but I'm doing something a little different.  Instead, I wanted to share a poem that my aunt sent to me.  I have a hard time considering myself a "survivor", because to me, that's such a loaded word.  One that implies strength, courage, persistence.  Those of you who are closest to me have heard my thoughts on strength.  In the moments after Virginia was born, I had no idea how I would possibly make it through the coming days, weeks, and months.  But somehow, here I am.  I've made it through the first 9 weeks, just by putting one foot in front of the other, and taking each moment as it comes.  Some days that seems pretty manageable, and other days, my feet feel like cement blocks.  Those are the days that I pat myself on the back for surviving, and say a little prayer that tomorrow will be better. 


Corinne said...

I love the Capture Your Grief posts. They are all so touching.

Kristen said...

Thank you so much for sharing this poem, Randi

Anonymous said...

Thinking of y'all.