Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 13: Signs

I couldn't decide which picture to post, so I'm posting both.  A rainbow reflected on the carpet, and a praying mantis.  The rainbow is pretty obvious, but some may not understand the symbolism of a praying mantis (and prior to our loss, I may not have either).  I did some research on this when Pat and I found one in our living room a few weeks back, and foudn that they seldom come into homes, and many cultures consider finding a praying mantis in your home to be a sign of good luck.  What struck me is that in certain cultures, the insect is said to help lost children find their way home.  (I've spent well over 30 minutes trying to locate the article online that said that, and of course I can't, so you'll just have to take my word for it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found an article that says that praying Mantis help lost children find their way home. It's here: