Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Monday, October 1, 2012

Capture Your Grief Day 1: Sunrise

Hello out there.  For some of you, the blog is the primary method of communication for keeping in touch with Pat & I, so I just want to extend my apologies to you for the silence on our end.  All of this still feels very surreal and raw to me, so while I'm still feeling vulnerable and not totally ready to put all of the specifics of our grief out there for the world to read, I feel strongly compelled to make my return to the blogging world this month to participate in the Capture Your Grief Project .  Capture Your Grief is a 31-day photo challenge, with a topic listed for each day (see the picture above).  This is meant to be a therapeutic process for those who have lost babies to remember and honor their babies in a way that's meaningful to them.  So I'm going to try to post photos on here everyday for the month of October.  I may or may not elaborate on the meaning of some of my pictures, but I hope you will be with me on this journey over the next 31 days. 
Here's the link to the Facebook page event, if any of you are interested.  (I won't be posting anything to Facebook because I don't currently have an active account.) 

Day 1: Sunrise

“We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness.”



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