Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 14: Community

Day 14: Community
We attended a memorial today that was put on by an organization called Sharing Parents.  It was a beautiful, moving way to honor Virginia, and all of the other babies who are in heaven.  Although I would never wish anyone membership into this exclusive club that we've become a part of as parents who have lost a baby, I am so glad we found this organization.  The sense of community that exists among this group of individuals who are all bonded by baby loss is nothing short of incredible.  We can look into one another's eyes and communicate without words, "I get it.  I know your pain because I've felt it too."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nWhat a memorable day...exhausting, I'm sure - but memorable in that you were surrounded with others who can honestly relate to you and your experience. xoxo