Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


And the news on the home front is..............
No news until next week.

Yup. That's right. More waiting.

I called the doctor's office this morning, expecting to get my lab results. What I got instead:
1. The lab results are not in.
2. My doctor is on vacation for the whole week.

Apparently it is the practice of my surgeon's office that the doctors themselves are the only ones allowed to deliver pathology reports, so as to prevent the patient from receiving inaccurate results or misinformation. Makes sense, if you think about it.

While there are a few people in my life who are upset at the prospect of being in limbo for another six days (and rightfully so), I really could care less. My take on it: it is what it is. The results aren't going to change whether we find out now or a week from now. Besides, I would rather speak directly with my doctor, who is familiar with my case and who can immediately make the proper referrals. I would actually prefer that option versus the alternative:
(This is the hypothetical situation that plays out in my head)
Nurse/Receptionist/Whoeverelsegivestestresults: "You have X (disease, condition)."
Me: "Okay, so what do we do now?"
Nurse: "I'm really don't know at this point. The doctor will determine that when he comes back from his vacation."
This situation is an example of one in which I might not be so patient. I would hate to hear the results without an immediate follow-up from my doctor regarding what to do next.

So there you go. Yet another lesson in patience that God must feel I need. One of my old friends emailed me the other day with a simple message of encouragement, reminding me that God never puts more on our plates that he knows we are capable of handling. Thanks for the reminder Brit. :)

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