Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Monday, May 11, 2009

A High School Girl?? Seriously?!?!?

I find it more than mildly amusing that I have been mistaken for a high-schooler not once or twice, but about five times since I started tutoring high school-aged kids. I thought maybe the badge I wear that says "Placer County Office of Education, Foster Youth Services Tutor" might be a dead giveaway. Or maybe the beautiful rings strategically placed on the 3rd finger of my left hand. I actually had one teacher jump down my throat just today, and threaten to send me to detention for not having a hall pass! Now I know I look young, but do I really look like a teenager?!?!?!?? This has gotten me thinking that I might need to upgrade my work wardrobe to something more "teacherly" or maybe start wearing my glasses more often (which I think make me look more intelligent, thus older as well). Probably, though, I should just get over it and enjoy the amusement that comes from flashing my badge at an unsuspecting teacher, just to prove her wrong.

This, ladies and gentlemen, has been Randi's Random Thought of the Day.


Justin & Emily said...

When I was interning at my old high school 3 years ago this happened to me ALL the time too!! Teachers (who i had in high school)would tell me to get to class and quit roaming the halls....yep they hadn't noticed it had already been 4 YEARS since i had graduated. Hilarious though....enjoy feeling and looking young :)

Unknown said...

live it up :) you lucky "kid"