Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dear Friends & Family

Yesterday was probably the worst "recovery" day I've had since this whole process began. It was not due to physical pain or discomfort, however. It was just an emotionally tough day. I've had people tell me how envious and jealous they are of all my downtime and the fact that I get to spend endless hours on the couch watching daytime tv, reading magazines, and surfing the net. But the only thing I can say to those people is that the novelty wears off after a few days, and pretty soon it becomes the most emotionally draining experience to have so much time alone with your thoughts. I spent most of yesterday alone. Pat went golfing (which was much-deserved after spending so much of his time caring for me), and while I was happy that he got to do something he wanted to do for once, it was also a very emotionally trying day for me. I broke out in tears sporadically while on the phone with my mom, and when our phone call was cut short, I called 2 of my girlfriends, only to end up crying even harder because neither one of them answered (I'm not trying to make you feel guilty at all, Jess & Christie, you would not have wanted to talk to me anyway, believe me!!!).

My mom reminded me of an important life lesson to help me through my tough day yesterday. And that lesson is that, no matter our circumstances in life, God has placed us there for a reason. There is something pure and significant that will come from this difficult time, and my goal right now is not to find that purpose, but to depend on our Savior to provide me with the strength, grace, and humility to overcome this obstacle.

This post is not meant to be a "poor me", "feel sorry for me" post. Rather, I'm hoping to turn my mood around today and remind myself of all we have to be thankful for. Which is why I wanted to take a minute to write a quick letter to our friends and family, who are constantly standing behind us and sending us messages of love and support our way. If you read this blog, this message is intended for your eyes.

Dear Friends and Family,
Patrick and I truly cannot put into words how grateful we are for the love and support that you all have shown over recent months. You have provided us with an invaluable tool to aid in the healing process. And this tool comes in the form of out-of-the-way trips to visit, care packages, phone calls, emails, and cards. For your thoughts and prayers, we cannot thank you enough. This difficult process is made so much easier by knowing we have all of you backing us, and there is no doubt in my mind that my recovery has been easier because of all of you. Thank you all!
All our love,
Pat & Randi

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