Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Monday, March 19, 2012

18 weeks...and MOVEMENT!!!!

Please excuse my ridiculous picture from this week.  I could not get a good shot in the full-length mirror (where I usually do my self-portraits).  The lighting was awful because we've had rain all week, so I didn't have the usual natural light to work with.  I had to make due with the picture below, head chopped off and all.  This is as good as it gets this week.  I think next week, I'll have Pat start taking the photos. 

How far along? 18 weeks, 4 days (I'm a day behind this week, oops!)

Maternity clothes? Had to finally break down and buy some maternity jeans this weekend.  Man they are ugly with their full panel (which nobody but me even sees because it's covered by my shirt), but are they ever comfortable!!!

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: Okay.  I have good nights and bad nights. 

Best moment this week: Feeling movement last Tuesday night!!  I had just gotten home from my bookclub, and one of the members is an outstanding baker, so she had brought all kinds of delicious baked sweets.  I, of course, had one of each, and the baby was on some sort of sugar high afterward.  As soon as I laid down to go to bed, I started feeling the funniest little tickling and bubbling sensations; the baby must have been rolling and dancing around, and just partyin' in general.  It was incredible! 

Movement: See above. 

Food cravings: Nothing consistent.  I did buy some chocolate covered donuts at the store tonight, and they were delicious! 

Gender: ???  My next doctor's appointment is on Thursday, and we'll schedule the big anatomy scan then. 

Labor Signs: No.

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.

What I miss: I was missing beer this weekend, after seeing Pat indulge in a few St. Patrick's Day brews.

What I am looking forward to: I can't wait for the movements to get stronger so Pat can feel them from the outside.  :)
Milestones: Feeling movement!  This has become so much more real!

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