Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Sunday, March 4, 2012

16 weeks

My return to regular blogging starts riiiiiight now!  I am going to try to do these weekly pregnancy surveys, along with a photo, to keep everyone who cares apprised of my pregnancy progress. Don't worry, I'll keep the survey as tame as possible, since I know my dad reads this.  :)

First of all, my 16 week photo, taken this last Friday.  Ignore the stupid silly grin on my face.  As I mentioned in the end of my last post, this is what I hope will be the beginning of me having a real bump and actually looking pregnant instead of just like I ate too many cookies.  Don't get me wrong, I think I'll still be at this weird "is-she-pregnant-or-is-she-just-getting-chunky" phase for awhile, as I have a long torso and will probably not "pop" for another month or two.  But a girl can dream...

How far along? 16 weeks, 3 days

Maternity clothes? Not yet.  Luckily, I'm still fitting into most of my regular clothes (however I have to wear my Bella Band with some of my pants)

Stretch marks? No, trying to avoid those like the plague by moisturizing twice a day

Sleep: I'm a stomach sleeper, so adjusting to sleeping on my side has been a challenge.  Between trying to get comfortable and having to get up to use the restroom, I wake up every hour or two.

Best moment this week: Realizing that I'm actually getting a hard bump!

Movement: Nothing yet...

Food cravings: Donuts, berries, popcorn (all things I enjoyed before I got pregnant as well)

Gender: ???

Labor Signs: No way!

Belly Button in or out? In.  I have a feeling it'll stay that way for quite awhile.  I have a deep belly button!

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.  No bloating in my hands at all yet. 

What I miss: a glass of red wine every so often.  And sleeping for more than 2 hours at a time and on my stomach.

What I am looking forward to: Feeling some movement in there.  (Hello baby, are you in there??)

Milestones: Nothing major this week.  I think the biggest milestones so far have been seeing the baby for the first time, and making it through the first trimester with a healthy baby.  :)


Coreyocookie said...

Randi! So freaking excited for you and Pat! Yay! This is such great news! XOXO

Becky said...
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Ran said...

Thanks guys! Becky, I know what you mean about feeling like the last to know, I didn't find out about your pregnancy until about a month ago. I told Grandma and Grampa 3 weeks ago, I'm shocked that the word hasn't gotten out quicker through that route! :)
And yes, we will he finding out the sex, in about 3 weeks. I wanted to leave it a mystery but Pat is dying to know, so we are compromising and finding out this time, but we probably won't for the next one. I'll keep you posted.

Anonymous said...

So super cute babe! You look amazing!

Dad said...

Nice blog sounds like your ready to be pregnant! Im exited to be a GRANPA,sounds weird?

Dad said...

Or "Grand Paw" !!! Thats sounds a little better,still can't believe it!