Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Monday, January 18, 2010

Entertainment in its Many Forms

This last post is a mishmash of random pictures. Once again, bear with me. If you've made it through the previous four consecutive posts, you can surely grit your teeth through one more. :)

The first pics I have to post are of our new entertainment setup. After venturing down to the campus bookstore this weekend to get my books for Spring semester (which starts in exactly one week, eeek), it became apparent that our poor little bookshelf that we purchased at IKEA a couple years ago, was just not cutting the mustard anymore. When a bookcase becomes so packed with books that books have to be moved to get to the books I really need, it's time for a change. We've been tossing around the idea of buying a new entertainment stand for a long time (remember this post??). Since so many entertainment centers now incorporate full bookshelves, and because our only bookshelf is packed to the brim, we decided that the time was right. Before you say it, I am fully aware of the fact that what we ended up with looks nothing like what I originally wanted. But Pat's not so big on white furniture. And I'm not so big on black, bachelor pad looking furniture. Plus, we purchased a computer desk for me in white over the summer. Marriage is all about compromise, and I think we did a pretty good job of compromising on something we both liked.

I couldn't get a full view picture of the entire setup because the room just isn't big enough for me to zoom that far out.

There are tall bookshelves on each side. (Sorry for the blurriness. Again, I blame the camera, although I do suspect that lighting was an issue in this picture too, due to the glare of the tv and the candle on the coffee table.)

The last few pictures I have to post are of a beautiful sunrise that I woke up to last week. Pictures like this need no introduction. What a beautiful image to wake up to.

Montana spoiled us with beautiful sunrises and sunsets whereas where we live now, these are few and far between. I'm thinking this is because of the fact that there simply aren't clouds around very often (I know, boo hoo, it's a rough life in sunny California, right?). But I caught a glimpse of this the other morning and was able to snap a few quick pics before work. I can't wait until I have a new camera to take these beautiful sunrise and sunset pictures (hint, hint to my hubbs, if you're reading this [I know he is because I always have him read posts right after I clock the 'publish' button. Tricky, tricky.])

Ok, if you have made it through all of these posts in one sitting, I commend you. As of now, you all are caught up in everything new and exciting in our lives. As always, thanks for reading. :-)


Simply Dee-lightful said...

Ohhhhh!! I LOVE the new set up!!! We need a wine night so I can enjoy it person! :)

Corinne said...

All in one sitting with Everett and the Jungle book blaring in the background. How is that for blogger loyalty? Glad to hear you are still kicking out there and doing well! Love the new entertainment center:)

Ran said...

Haha thanks for the compliment Rinn. You are GOOD!!