I've been out of sorts today. A little sad and a lot tired and VERY weepy. I attributed it to postpartum hormones until I looked at the calendar to confirm the time for an appointment I had today. Then it hit me, like it does every month on the 13th. One more month has passed without Virginia. And although we've been blessed beyond measure with Cami's arrival, everything with Cami is bittersweet. Every smile, every coo, every facial expression, the feel of her sleeping in my arms, the warmth of her body curled up on my chest, the sound of her grunts and cries. There is seldom a moment that passes that I don't wonder about Virginia, what she would've been like and how all these moments would've felt with her. I still miss her so much. My heart aches today. This grief thing is neverending.
It's been 15 months, and although our lives are so enriched by the arrival of Virginia's little sister, I still long for the baby that isn't here.
Mommy misses you, sweet Virginia.