Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Monday, April 16, 2012

22 weeks, and Hellllo Belly!

Week 22 seems to be the magic week for me--my belly seems to be growing at an almost alarming pace!   I woke up on Saturday morning, at 22 weeks and 1 day, and this belly had just appeared overnight.  Man, can I feel it in my body, too.  Lots of aches and pains in my back, hips, and feet.  But if that's all I have to complain about at this point, I think I'm doing pretty good!  :)  Here are my pics:

How far along? 22 weeks, 4 days (late again, story of my life lately)

Maternity clothes? Yes.  And some of my regular stretchy clothes. 

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: Insomnia is flaring up a bit again, but I don't know if that's pregnancy-related or stress-related.  Lots of big changes coming up soon. 

Best moment this week: Seeing Pat's face when he felt her kick from the outside.  Finally!

Movement: Oh yes, lots and lots of movement.  I was so busy at work at work this week that a couple of times, I felt little thumps and kicks and wondered what the heck was going on (apparently I got so busy, I forgot I was growing a human in my belly!). 

Food cravings: Sipping on my cream soda right now.  ;)

Gender: Baby girl!

Labor Signs: No, but I've had a few Braxton Hicks contractions, which were a little alarming at first. 

Belly Button in or out? Innie for life!  (or at least until I get so big that every last cubic centimeter is consumed by baby and my belly button has no choice but to pop...I'm not so convinced that'll happen, but maybe I'm in denial)

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.

What I miss: After walking a 5k on Sunday, I realized how much I miss running, and just being able to push my body in general.  Now if I push too hard, my body pushes right back and I end up paying for it for days afterward. 

What I am looking forward to: Mid-May, when the big move will be over and we'll be able to settle into our new place. 

Milestones: Pat feeling her kick!  That was a great moment! 


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