Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Monday, April 9, 2012

21 weeks

Happy Belated Easter!  We had a fantastic day, relaxing a little and running some errands, and of course, eating a huge ham dinner!  These pics were taken right after dinner, and as you can tell, I had no desire to make myself up after spending a couple of hours in the kitchen.  I feel like I had somewhat of a growth spurt this week, which would make sense considering my recent weight gain, coupled with the increased movement I'm feeling.  Girl is getting strong and active!  :)

How far along? 21 weeks, 4 days (a few days late, oops!)

Maternity clothes? Yes.

Stretch marks? Still none (stay away!)

Sleep: I have good nights and bad nights.  My main complaint this week is that I've been able to sleep in (YAY Spring Break), but have been awoken bright and early every morning with an uncomfortably full bladder.  :(

Best moment this week: Watching the ultrasound DVD with my parents.  Awesome. 

Movement: Tons of movement this week! She is one stubborn little thing, though.  She'll be moving and kicking up a storm, and as soon as Pat puts his hands on my belly to feel it, she stops.  I wonder where her stubbornness comes from?!?  ;)

Food cravings: OJ, cream soda, fruit. 

Gender: Baby girl!

Labor Signs: No.

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.

What I miss: Ditto last week, wine & sleep.

What I am looking forward to: Getting moved into our new place so we can get started on the nursery (only about a month left!)

Milestones: Nothing major this week, just truckin' along.  I'm happy to have made it to the point in my pregnancy where I have energy, I can eat again, and I'm just able to enjoy this time.  I feel very blessed. 



Becky said...

I'm so happy that you are enjoying being pregnant. It's such an amazing experience and such a special time!! Funny because I have cream soda cravings myself!! You have that special "glow!" Very beautiful, Randi! Good luck with the move and have fun decorating that nursery!! Love all the updates on how things are going and good for you keeping the name secret. There's a lot of name stealers and hecklers out there!!

Ran said...

It has definitely been an eye-opening experience. Lots of changes happening that I wasn't at all prepared for, but I'm really trying to live in the moment and soak it all in. Thank you so much for the sweet compliments, I've gotten the "glowing" remark a couple of times, but I'm pretty sure it's just because I sweat like a beast these days, haha! :)