Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Monday, July 2, 2012

32-33 weeks and Nesting

Holy NESTING!  I never knew this whole nesting thing actually existed.  But it hit me like a ton of bricks last week, when reality set in that we have less than 2 months to go until Baby G is here.  Not only do we have less than two months, but she could be coming as early as 4 weeks from now!  Eeeek!  So I'm running around frantically making one list after another of things I need to buy (OMG, what if she comes and we don't even have baby wipes yet?!? ::gasp::), and what I need to clean (I'm looking at you, dirty window sills and dusty baseboards).  And I haven't even begun my freezer meal stash yet.  AHHHHHH!!!!!!  Somehow in the midst of my panic, I was still able to snap my weekly pics (partially due to the fact that I adore our new camera, so I'm taking any opportunity I can to practice with it).  

32 weeks:

33 weeks:

And a special little treat for you all, some pictures of the disaster that is our nursery.  I spent about 3 hours one afternoon last week getting clothing organized, so even though it looks like a mess, there is a method to my madness.  We were very fortunate to receive bags upon bags of used little girl clothing, from newborn to 4T.  Once my nesting instinct began to kick in last week, I decided to make myself useful and start sorting through everything.  I left all of the infant clothing out and separated that into piles (up to 6 months), and then boxed the rest for later use.  We won't have to buy much in the way of clothes for at least a year, if not two.

Little teeny, tiny newborn clothes. :)

A pile of loot from the baby shower.  

Boxes of clothes for the future.  

How far along? 33 weeks, 3 days

Maternity clothes? Yep.

Stretch marks? No, not yet...

Sleep: Still broken up by my 2am potty break.  But I'm sleeping like a rock, so I have no complaints there.

Best moment this week: Finishing work and starting Maternity Leave.  Woo!

Movement: There's not much kicking happening anymore (I think she's running out of space), but lots of kneading, and pushing.

Food cravings: Nothing really.  The heat has done a number on my appetite.

Gender: Baby girl!

Labor Signs: Nope.

Belly Button in or out? Getting much shallower.

Wedding rings on or off? Off.  I can still wear my wedding band, but my chubby fingers feel better naked these days, so I don't typically wear it unless I'm planning on leaving the house.

What I miss: Cold beer.

What I am looking forward to: Getting our dresser (we found one we like that we are having sanded, repainted, and distressed.  It won't be done until the end of the month).

Milestones: Maternity leave officially started last Friday, so let the nesting begin!!!



Coreyocookie said...

You're looking as beautiful as ever Randi! Thanks for taking some time out to keep us all updated! Enjoy the beginning of your maternity leave!

Ran said...

Thanks, friend. I woke up today and I was waddling. Needless to say, I'm starting to feel like an elephant. So your sweet compliment is much appreciated. ;)

Corinne said...

Love me some belly pictures! You look great and I think I would like to officially employ you as my personal clothes shopper. I am terrible at it and you have super cute clothes! Cant wait to meet her...8 weeks and counting:)

Ran said...

Thanks, Rinn! I'm mostly wearing my non-maternity clothes that are super stretchy (especially dresses and skirts), with a few maternity shirts thrown in there. Thanks again for your advice and insight today. :)