Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Friday, September 3, 2010

I'm a Bad, Bad Blogger

I cannot believe that I did not post at all in August. Not once. I hope you all haven't given up on me after my unintentional hiatus from the blog. It's just that, well, it's been a busy summer. And living my life has gotten in the way of my blogging. How is it that summer always seems to fly by so fast? And now it's September, back to my routine. Work, Intern, Study, Workout. Rinse & Repeat. Not that I am at all bummed. My long-awaited summer of what was supposed to be relaxation and rejuventation turned into a summer full of traveling, research for a few different projects I've been working on, class, training for my first 5k on Thanksgiving and recovery from my procedure in June (which really put a damper on said training). Oh, and cram a move in there as well. A pretty stressful move, with a doozy of a landlord who got so sick of our "constant demands" that he hired a property management company so he would not have to deal with us (um hello, general cleanliness is not a "command" so much as it is common courtesy). Speaking of the move, here is a picture of our new place:

Anyone who has been to our last apartment will be able to easily tell how much of an upgrade this is for us. We have a garage that we can fit both cars into (plus some storage), an actual guest room, which is actually serving as a workout room at the moment since it is housing my treadmill, two and a half baths, and an office. [The downside: we also have stairs. Lots and lots of stairs. Which didn't really concern me during the move, as I did not yet have the ok from my doctor to lift anything heavy. Ask Pat and Cody how they feel about stairs, however, and you will get a totally different response.]

I promise to be a better blogger from now on, and thanks to all of you who probably thought I was going to let the blog go.

Now we're off to SoCal for the long weekend. You know what that means--beach and sunset pictures will be forthcoming. Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone!

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