I'm doing this new thing, this thing called jogging (Allow me to pause for a moment for a quick Anchor Man reference: "Jogging?!?
Yogging?!? I think the 'j' is silent. Apparently you just run.") That's right, I run. Not from anyone or anything. But for fun. I even bought myself a pedometer to track my time and distance (although I have yet to run outside because of fear from passing out due to heat stroke). And I'm actually enjoying myself. Who would have thought, me, a runner??? Weird. Seven months ago, when I was all but sedentary, spending the small amounts of spare time that I did have writing papers and reading, I never would have imagined myself as someone who gets on the treadmill and runs, without
stopping, for 45 minutes at a time. But as it turns out, I actually enjoy running. I enjoy it so much that the 2 or 3 days a week that I don't run, I miss it. My body misses it (but my body also needs a few days to recover, so I don't make the mistake of overdoing it and risk an injury). Running ranks right up there with writing, for me, in terms of its therapeutic value. When I'm stressed, nervous, or just need an outlet, there is nothing that can substitute for cranking up the
IPod and running, getting lost in my music and my thoughts.
I guess I don't have a clue what the point of this post is. I just felt the need to share with everyone my status as a reformed Hater of All Things Running.
I'm cutting out of here now, time for my run.
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