Anyway, I thought I'd switch it up for this post and take a moment to talk about this article. My best friend, Jess, who works for a greenhouse manufacturer and lives a green lifestyle sent me a similar article awhile back. Now I know you all are probably thinking that I'm turning into some sort of hippie, but at least read the article completely before making that assumption. I must say that I used to be of the "might-as-well-eat-anything-you-want-because-everything-we-eat-and-do-will-give-us-cancer-anyway" mindset (and I still am, to a certain degree), but I also think that the chemicals we put in our bodies can have major effects on the way our bodies function and how we feel. I can't honestly say that Pat and I follow all the "rules" on this list, but we have been buying only organic apples and potatoes, and drinking organic, rBGH-free milk for the past year or so. We are lucky to live in an area where we have easy access to inexpensive organic produce and dairy products. I'm not sure how much stock there is in the whole corn-fed beef thing, so if anyone cares to set me straight on this, feel free. And I have to say, I know that microwave popcorn is terrible for me, but it just tastes soooooo good. It's going to take awhile for me to kick that habit. I looked into "jarred" tomatoes at Trader Joe's, and I'm not sure the extra expense is worth it for me; I think I'll stick with preparing the tomatoes myself. And the salmon, well that's not a problem, because I don't care for salmon (blech). I guess what I'm saying is that we are not perfect, but these small dietary changes make me feel more confident in knowing that what I eat is nourishing my body rather than harming it.
Just some food for thought (pardon the pun).
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