Virginia Skye

Virginia Skye

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Positive Energy & A New Puppy

Wow, 2 posts in one day! My loyal fanbase is no doubt thrilled about the prospect of multiple blog entries in one day! (Don't get too used to it, this may be a fleeting phase). I must say, though, that I find this blogging thing to be very therapeutic in articulating my feelings about everything that's going on in my life.

Regarding the power of positive energy--
According to "The Secret", positive thoughts are 100X more powerful than negative ones. **As a side note, if you somehow haven't read this book because you've been living in a cave for the last couple years, click here . ** My boss is also a firm believer in the idea that, for every negative interaction, there should be two positive ones. Since this blog has taken on a rather negative twist over the last week or so, I decided I better rectify that by posting for the second time today about something else that makes me smile besides music videos: puppies!!!!!

I truly believe in the power of using animals as a therapeutic tool. Coincidentally, we had been invited down to my brother's house for a doggie party last weekend. Now I do not do very well at relaxing. Those who know me well know how much of a busybody I am. But following the advice of my doctor (and my mother) to "not overdo it", I finally felt ready to get out of the house and do something last weekend, after 3 full days of lounging on the couch. So we decided to take my brother up on his invitation to come down to his house for his dog's 35th birthday party (that's 5 human years, FYI). You can imagine our surprise when we walked into his house to find a new puppy that him and his girlfriend decided to get. Let me tell you, it was love at first sight!
I am proud to introduce, my new "nephew", Bear!

He's a Jack Russell, and he's only 6 weeks old, but he is the love of my life!!!

He's just like a baby (a human one, I mean). He gets into everything, isn't potty trained, and spends the majority of his time sleeping. In fact, Cody's girlfriend has taken to wrapping him up in a blanket or towel and swaddling him like a baby. One might find this to be weird, but I challenge you to think that after looking at these pics:

How can you NOT fall in love with this???

There was plenty of dog-friendly cake to be had by all dogs at this birthday party. But considering there were about 6 cupcakes plus one small cake to be eaten only 4 dogs (and one of them was Bear, who was fast asleep on the couch for most of the festivities), these dogs were no doubt feeling it the next day. I think Dodger was experiencing what my mom would call a "food hangover". Poor guy, it was evident to everyone that he was beyond full to the point of being uncomfortable. Even the next day, he still wasn't quite himself. But he was still sweet enough to pose for a pic with his favorite "Auntie".

And here's one more pic, just for good measure. (Please also take note that it was about 80 degrees that day, so we spent a good hour dangling our feeties in the pool before we hit the road to head back home. Sorry to my MT friends and family, I just had to rub that in a little.)

Nothing like a new puppy to make your day better.

'Til next time,


Justin & Emily said...

These cute little puppy pics made my day Randi...anything "baby" i cannot resist! Enjoy your bundle of fur!

Michelle said...

omg Dodger is getting old, 35! I bet he's gonna love another companion to run with! That little puppy is too precious.