Fair warning, this post will be photo-heavy. We just got back from the Baby Shower weekend in Montana, and we were able to get maternity photos taken by my mom and stepdad (the tremendous twosome known as Shellenberg Photography). I haven't gotten around to uploading the photos from the actual shower yet, but I did get a few "sneak peek" photos from my mom, watermarked and ready to be shared with the world! Here are some of our faves:
How far along? 31 weeks, 4 days
Maternity clothes? Oh yes. The stretchier, the better.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep: I usually sleep in two increments: 10ish-2, and 3-6 (with a potty break in between, which usually involves another good 45 min to adjust back to a comfortable position). Better than nothing, I guess.
Best moment this week: So many great moments this week. My Baby Shower in MT was pretty awesome. And we had a great time during this photo shoot. So it's a toss-up between those two.
Movement: Tons! She's a wild woman lately.
Food cravings: Nothing new. Bananas, donuts, ice cream. Sugar in general.
Gender: Baby girl!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Innie. For now.
Wedding rings on or off? My engagement ring is officially retired (for the next couple of months anyway). I wear my wedding band when I leave the house, but otherwise, I prefer my chubby, swollen fingers to be naked. ;)
What I miss: My regular jeans. And wine. Always wine.
What I am looking forward to: Being done with work and putting the baby room together. That should be happening in the next few weeks.
Milestones: Being able to decipher which lumps in my stomach are which body parts--that's pretty cool (the doctor filled me in on her positioning last week, which helped). And the best part: when I push on them, they push back! :)