1.an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2.good fortune; luck: the serendipity of getting the first job she applied for.
[This whole idea of fate, and things happening for a reason, has been swirling around in my head for weeks. I have sat down to write this post three separate times, but each time I couldn't figure out how to properly express the thoughts going 'round and 'round in my mind. So please be patient with me as I attempt to articulate my feelings in a way that I hope others can understand.]
Serendipity is not only my word of the week last week (as per my Droid "Word of the Week" app), it's also something I strongly believe in. It brings to mind the idea of fate, that things have a way of working out just the way they were meant to. My mom has always told me, throughout some tough times in my younger years, that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, and that God has placed me there for a reason. I also believe that God has a hand in placing people in your life that you were meant to meet. People that have the ability to change the entire direction of your life. People that lead you to your next great adventure.
Throughout the last 6 years, I have met several people that have had a role in changing my life's trajectory.
There was the "mutual friend", who shall remain nameless, that provided the link between myself and the person who would eventually become my life partner. It it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been in the right place at the right time to meet my future spouse. Those of you who know the story of Pat and Randi may find this all a bit weird, especially given the sticky situation that marked the beginning of our relationship. But to this person who introduced me to my hubbs, I am forever grateful.
There is Patty, the boss who opened the doors to new career opportunities and gave me the chance to work with some of the most interesting, diverse adults and youth I have ever met. She helped me to find my passion, and gave me that push I needed to pursue my goals. And most importantly, she believed (and continues to believe) in me. She has become my mentor, a role model, and most importantly, a friend.
I also have a friend, Anne, without whom, I would not be where I am today. I met Anne when we first moved to California, and I was working at a residential treatment facility for teenage girls. We only worked together for a few months, before Anne left to work with said boss (mentioned above), but she was the one who suggested I apply for the job I have now. She is the one that led me to Patty, who would push me to go back to school. She is the one that opened that door that would change the course of my professional life. I don't feel as if I can adequately express how fortunate I feel to have met Anne, not only for what she has done for me, but also because of the amazing person that she is.
I don't know how or why I came in contact with these people; serendipity does not mean that we understand why. I do know that I can now say that I've lived the lesson my mom has taught. I always used to think that what she was telling me was one of those things people tell themselves to make themselves feel better in the midst of a bad situation. And that may be true (although it didn't ever do much for me, sorry Mom). But it goes deeper than that. In every situation, every person that you meet, every conversation that you have, you are there for a reason. God has a plan for each of us. Sometimes it's difficult to figure out how to find the good in a bad situation, or to find meaning in something that that tests our faith. But serendipity goes hand-in-hand with patience. In other words, the meaning sometimes comes later. On my wedding day, almost 2 years ago (wow, can you believe it's been that long???), I realized that serendipity was the reason I met the person who would meet me at the end of the aisle and vow to love me forever. And now, three years after meeting Anne, and two years after meeting my boss and friend, I understand that these people came into my life for a reason. Some really great things blossomed out of some pretty bad situations.
With that, there's my thoughts on serendipity. Things for allowing me to bare my soul.